RunForPaddy makes the “Top 50″ fund-raisers list

This morning we entered the “Top 50″ list of fund-raisers on This is based on the amount raised…..we are very close to €4,000 now.

You can see us currently at number 47 here:

Hilary Devey (BBC Dragons Den) Mentions RunForPaddy on Twitter

Sick in bed, but feeling bit better today so thought I’d hit a few celebs on Twitter for a mention of RunForPaddy to their followers. Hilary Devey from Dragons Den on the BBC re-tweeted my message… meaning the RunForPaddy tshirt icon and twitter account will be shown to her 50 thousand followers!

The Irish Times Featured The “Run For Paddy” Challenge Today – Read it here

Can you believe it!? They contacted me about a week ago to get me to document my motivation and progress with the challenge. So I did, and they published it in the Irish Times online running piece today. They have 1’000s of readers and facebook fans so this is exactly what Run For Paddy is all about.

Read the full article by clicking here or clicking on the image below

Click To Read Our Feature In The Irish Times

Just ran the Clontarf 5 Mile – That’s more like it

I was really disappointed with my time last weekend on the 1st race of the challenge… so I managed to get a late late race number for the Clontarf 5 mile this morning… only got it at the last minute. Was on my own and more focused and took 10 minutes off last weeks time to come in the 5 mile/8km in 46 minutes. Really enjoyed the race, it was very well organised and had a great atmosphere. One for the calendar for next year.

By the way, anyone to ran the race… There are some great photo galleries at this link



We’ve just passed the €3,000 mark!

Thanks for a very generous donation from Barry, a good friend of ours, we’ve just passed the three grand mark! Woo hoo! €3,015 euro so far for the Irish Cancer Society. Thank you so much to everyone so far. in the National Press Again!

We got another mention in the Irish Independent today, in their FitMag section! It mentions our efforts at the weekend in Race 1 of my series. Woo hoo!

Action Shots Of Us All – Running For Paddy have released their professional photos of the 1st race of the challenge. And here are the previews! You can buy them from their website if you would like the memory for keeps.


The T Shirts Are Working!

Wearing the t-shirts during the race must work because over Saturday and Sunday of this race weekend we had 306 visitors to the website! The normal daily visitor count is around 20.

Found pics on of some of us!

Found pics of us on of some of us!

Next Race (Swords 10km) Entry Closes Tomorrow

Next Race: Entry Closes Tomorrow. The next race is in 3 weeks is in Swords (Sun 22nd July), a 10km one which is just 2km more then today’s! I checked online as a few people said they might do it. It says entry is only open until tomorrow, 1st July. You can apply here and it’s €20 including the race number, t shirt and goodie bag etc…

Final Total Announced

Our final total is in. €8,421 raised for the Irish Cancer Society. Thank you so so much to every single person who donated to The Irish Cancer Society through

Thanks to everyone who supported me along the sidelines and the roads during my races. Thanks to everyone who ran some races with me. Thanks to everyone who did their own fundraising events and campaigns for Thanks to Regina for listening to my moaning of aches and pains and for being the greatest person that’s ever lived. Thanks to Ann for supporting me from the moment I ran the idea past her. And thanks to the man behind it all, my inspiration for every mile and my true friend, Paddy. We love you man.

The Big Idea

To run the following 6 races and raise money for the Irish Cancer Society in memory of Paddy Supple

  • 5 mile (8 km) race in June
  • 10 km race in July
  • 10 mile (16 km) race in August
  • Half marathon in September
  • 20 mile (32 km) in October
  • Full marathon in October

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    Want To Get Involved?

    Some people have said that they might run (or walk) the 1st race with me and maybe even the second one too... some even said they'd do more then 2 races, but that was on a night out! You can register for the races by clicking here. Let me know if you sign up and we'll meet up on the race day.

    Not a runner or a walker? No hassle! If you have any other ideas on how you can help get in touch today... we need all the help we can get to make this big for Paddy!
    All money raised by you, my supporters, will be donated to the great work of the
    All money raised goes to Irish Cancer Society

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