Race Day Updates

Breaking News About RunForPaddy.com

Today alone, the day before the 1st race in the series, the RunForPaddy.com donations rocketed by almost €1,500 and it now stands at a staggering €2,335 raised! A lot of generosity from my own colleagues today and last week has brought the total to what it is now. I am so so unbelievably grateful for everyones help and digging deep for this great cause for the Irish Cancer Society. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Message From Mary Doyle Regarding Her Donation

Mary pledged a staggering €900 today from her network of friends and family and from her own efforts in the last few weeks. A message from Mary follows.

From Mary:

Too many people to thank for their generous contributions but here goes:-
To Steino & Leon for their encouragement to keep going!
To all the Management and Staff in the Yamamori chain of Restaurants who really stepped up to the mark and got the ball rolling.
To all My Guys in work who have had to endure endless talk of my aches and pains whilst training and to the real runners (Adrian included) among them for all their advice and guidance.
To all my family and friends both in Tipperary and Dublin especially my cousin Marie Ryan, Lisheen who did the 10k Mini Marathon in Moyne and put her donations through RunForPaddy.

Thanks to each and every one of you, I said to Adrian on day 1 that his fundraising target was too low, that we would easily break it and with your help we have.


Run For Paddy Featured In The Irish Independent Today – No Really!

Run For Paddy Featured In Today's Irish Independent

Run For Paddy Featured In Today's Irish Independent

Here is a pic of the piece on all our efforts in Paddy’s memory. It’s from today’s Irish Independent. Mary is a great friend who’s doing so much to assist behind the scenes at RunForPaddy.com as well as training herself to partake in the 1st race (and maybe the second… go on Mary!). She made this publication in today’s national press possible. This is exactly what RunForPaddy.com is all about, supporting a great cause in memory of a Great Man.


1st race meeting point for those running for Paddy this Saturday

Hey all. 1st race ts this saturay, 10am in phnx park? How about those running it meet at the gates oat the Aras on the main road (Chesterfield Ave) at 9.30am so we can start together?? think there is about 10 of us! See ya there….

Wear Purple For Paddy Day – Thanks To Everyone!

Scoil Mhuire Belcruit hold their Wear Purple For Paddy Day in aid of Runforpaddy.com. Paddies favourite colour day was the idea of Lorraine Boyle, so thanks a million for her and thank so so much to the staff, children and parents at Scoil Mhuire Belcruit. They raised €110 which will go directly to the Irish Cancer Society through the RunForPaddy.com challenge.

Here are a couple of pics….


Get This! A “Wear Purple” Day for Paddy’s Favourite Colour in Donegal

Anyone who knew Paddy will know that Purple was his favourite colour. Well, how great is this…..I got a message from the wonderful Lorraine Boyle last night and it simply said the following:

The children of Scoil Mhuire Belcruit, Donegal, my kids national school, are holding a ‘Wear Purple’ day in aid of RunForPaddy.com on June 15th 2012.

I will get the teacher to take a photo and email to you. All children will donate 2 euro each

Thanks Lorraine and thanks to everyone at Scoil Mhuire Belcruit. This is so appreciated and is exactly what RunForPaddy.com is all about.

Deadline For Registering For The 1st Race Approaching

I just got an email from Athletics Ireland saying that the Deadline For Registering For The 1st Race Approaching.

“We are now encouraging all runners to get their entries in this week for the Irish Runner 5 Mile”, Dublin Race Series Director Jim Aughney said. “We expect another big entry this year right across the Race Series and it is important that we start on a high note with the Irish Runner 5 Mile which takes place on Saturday, June 30th. The Entry Deadline for online entry is June 10th and the online entry is open at www.dublinmarathon.ie

Photos: Women’s Mini Marathon

Some dedicated and well trained ladies too to the streets today for the Women’s Mini Marathon!

Here is Regina & Sinead running the Women’s Mini Marathon, and Regina even having time for a quick hug from her biggest fans! Well done girls!


And the medal…..

Maria and Orla Running for Paddy

Maria’s view of the finish line:

Want To Run A Race With Me – And Help The Cause Too?

Some people have said that they might run (or walk) the 1st race with me and maybe even the second one too… some even said they’d do more then 2 races, but that was on a night out!

You can register for any of the races by clicking here. Let me know if you sign up and we’ll meet up on the race day. To register for the Dublin City Marathon itself you can click here.

I have sponsor cards with “RunForPaddy.com”  on them from the Irish Cancer Society which we can get to you by post or in person. Or you can can get people to sponsor on-line using this website. Any sponsorship that you raise will be mentioned on this site with your name….and our Facebook and Twitter pages too. Thanks and good luck!

Good Luck To The Women In The Mini Marathon Monday!

Good luck to Regina, Nessa, Maria, Orla and Caitriona all running Womens Mini Marathon for Paddy on Monday and raising money in his name for a great cause. Fantastic!

Final Total Announced

Our final total is in. €8,421 raised for the Irish Cancer Society. Thank you so so much to every single person who donated to The Irish Cancer Society through RunForPaddy.com

Thanks to everyone who supported me along the sidelines and the roads during my races. Thanks to everyone who ran some races with me. Thanks to everyone who did their own fundraising events and campaigns for RunForPaddy.com Thanks to Regina for listening to my moaning of aches and pains and for being the greatest person that’s ever lived. Thanks to Ann for supporting me from the moment I ran the idea past her. And thanks to the man behind it all, my inspiration for every mile and my true friend, Paddy. We love you man.

The Big Idea

To run the following 6 races and raise money for the Irish Cancer Society in memory of Paddy Supple

  • 5 mile (8 km) race in June
  • 10 km race in July
  • 10 mile (16 km) race in August
  • Half marathon in September
  • 20 mile (32 km) in October
  • Full marathon in October

    Sponsor Me - Please!!

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    Want To Get Involved?

    Some people have said that they might run (or walk) the 1st race with me and maybe even the second one too... some even said they'd do more then 2 races, but that was on a night out! You can register for the races by clicking here. Let me know if you sign up and we'll meet up on the race day.

    Not a runner or a walker? No hassle! If you have any other ideas on how you can help get in touch today... we need all the help we can get to make this big for Paddy!
    All money raised by you, my supporters, will be donated to the great work of the
    All money raised goes to Irish Cancer Society

    Contact Me

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