

Want To Run A Race With Me – And Help The Cause Too?

Some people have said that they might run (or walk) the 1st race with me and maybe even the second one too… some even said they’d do more then 2 races, but that was on a night out!

You can register for any of the races by clicking here. Let me know if you sign up and we’ll meet up on the race day. To register for the Dublin City Marathon itself you can click here.

I have sponsor cards with “RunForPaddy.com”  on them from the Irish Cancer Society which we can get to you by post or in person. Or you can can get people to sponsor on-line using this website. Any sponsorship that you raise will be mentioned on this site with your name….and our Facebook and Twitter pages too. Thanks and good luck!

Dublin Half Marathon Route

Even though it’s over 3 months away, the Dublin half Marathon route has been released and I’ve added it to the website here

Good Luck To The Women In The Mini Marathon Monday!

Good luck to Regina, Nessa, Maria, Orla and Caitriona all running Womens Mini Marathon for Paddy on Monday and raising money in his name for a great cause. Fantastic!

Nessa, Maria and Orla – Running For Paddy!

Nessa, Maria  and Orla, 3 really great friends to Arlene, have decided to run the Women’s Mini Marathon in memory of Paddy and in doing so they are going to raise money for the Irish Cancer Society in his name.

They have kindly said they will channel their sponsored funds to this great cause through the RunForPaddy.com website…. Wow, I am so so grateful girls, thanks!! I’ll update the site and Facebook with their efforts when they have completed their challenge..thanks again…. This what this is all about! You will see their funds show up with their name on the MyCharity RunForPaddy page.

Mary running for the cause, and a big thanks to Steino & Yamamori Restaurants

My good friend and colleague, the wonderful Mary Doyle, is in training and is running the 1st race with me on June 30th.  She’s doing the race in aid of the Irish Cancer Society and has decided to use this as an opportunity to help us get the RunForPaddy.com idea out there. She’s putting all her sponsorship through Run For Paddy as it’s for the same great cause.

Mary has been a huge support to me in getting the word out about RunForPaddy.com and the Irish Cancer Society. She has given sponsorship cards to friends and family. She’s given generously of her time and money and has helped me in so many ways so far on this challenge.

Her right hand man Steino has taken the cause around the Yamamori chain of restaurants and has raised a really great amount.. and he’s still going. Massive thanks to Mary, Steino and all at Yamamori who have been a huge help. You can see their website here… fab food so pop in and try it….to repay the kindness they’ve shown Run For Paddy.

Paddy represented in the “Relay For Life” in Donegal this month

Lorraine Boyle has got in touch and she is taking part in the “Relay for Life” in Letterkenny in two weeks time. She’ll be running with “RunForPaddy.com” on her t-shirt and is going to raise money for the Irish Cancer Society in Paddy’s name as a result. I’m delighted Lorraine, thanks a million!

You can see their facebook page here

Celebs Mentioning Run For Paddy!

Sweet!! Ian Dempsey just gave “Run For Paddy” a mention on Twitter! As did Sky 1′s Jessie Pavelka and 10 others.. some with over 10,000 followers! Spent a wee while this evening on Twitter spreading the net.

Don’t increase weekly distance by more then 10%

Ran 6.5km today, that’s 16.5km this week. Trying to stick to the 10% rule of distance increase… only raise weekly distance by 10% to avoid injury… it’s in all the good running books so who am I to question that! Hope those who are running the 1st one with next month me adhere to the same rule!

I Now Have Sponsorship Cards Available

If you don’t want to sponsor me online I now have sponsor cards from the Irish Cancer Society so you can do it in person! So if you would rather sponsor me in person and not on-line click this page and let me know

Also, some people kindly asked could they take a sponsorship card to help me raise funds for this great cause with their friends and families. I’ll happily send you one. Just either

and I will send you out a card.

Thanks a mil for the help!


A worldwide audience for Paddy

Hey, did you know that in the last week the RunForPaddy.com website had 280 visitors from 10 countries?!

  • Ireland
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Germany
  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Scotland
  • Norway
  • Italy

Final Total Announced

Our final total is in. €8,421 raised for the Irish Cancer Society. Thank you so so much to every single person who donated to The Irish Cancer Society through RunForPaddy.com

Thanks to everyone who supported me along the sidelines and the roads during my races. Thanks to everyone who ran some races with me. Thanks to everyone who did their own fundraising events and campaigns for RunForPaddy.com Thanks to Regina for listening to my moaning of aches and pains and for being the greatest person that’s ever lived. Thanks to Ann for supporting me from the moment I ran the idea past her. And thanks to the man behind it all, my inspiration for every mile and my true friend, Paddy. We love you man.

The Big Idea

To run the following 6 races and raise money for the Irish Cancer Society in memory of Paddy Supple

  • 5 mile (8 km) race in June
  • 10 km race in July
  • 10 mile (16 km) race in August
  • Half marathon in September
  • 20 mile (32 km) in October
  • Full marathon in October

    Sponsor Me - Please!!

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    Want To Get Involved?

    Some people have said that they might run (or walk) the 1st race with me and maybe even the second one too... some even said they'd do more then 2 races, but that was on a night out! You can register for the races by clicking here. Let me know if you sign up and we'll meet up on the race day.

    Not a runner or a walker? No hassle! If you have any other ideas on how you can help get in touch today... we need all the help we can get to make this big for Paddy!
    All money raised by you, my supporters, will be donated to the great work of the
    All money raised goes to Irish Cancer Society

    Contact Me

    Get in touch using this page