The Big Idea
My final total is in. €8,421 raised for the Irish Cancer Society. Thank you so so much to every single person who donated to The Irish Cancer Society through Thanks to everyone who supported me along the sidelines and the roads during my races. Thanks to everyone who ran some races with me. Thanks to everyone who did their own fundraising events and campaigns for Thanks to Regina for listening to my moaning of aches and pains and for being the greatest person that’s ever lived. Thanks to Ann for supporting me from the moment I ran the idea past her. And thanks to the man behind it all, my inspiration for every mile and my true friend, Paddy. We love you man.
Really it’s all very simple…. in theory! I plan to run the 6 races listed, including the Dublin City Marathon, and in doing so raise money for the Irish Cancer Society.
- 5 mile (8km) Race in June
- 10km Race in July
- 10 mile Race in August
- Half Marathon in September
- 20 mile (32km) Athlone Race in October
- Full Marathon in October

I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m not the fittest of men (yet). I only started jogging before Christmas 2011 and the most “serious” jogging I have ever done is two 5km races in the Phoenix Park recently.
I am doing all this driven on by one thing; My desire to remember and honour my father-in-law, Paddy, in the positive way that he should be remembered. These 6 races, and the close to 700km of training I will need to do, are all in the memory of Paddy Supple. You can read about Paddy, and why he has had such an effect on me and those who knew him here.
Want To Run A Race With Me – And Help The Cause Too?
Some people have said that they might run (or walk) the 1st race with me and maybe even the second one too… some even said they’d do more then 2 races, but that was on a night out! You can register for the races by clicking here. Let me know if you sign up and we’ll meet up on the race day.
To register for the Dublin City Marathon itself you can click here. I have sponsor cards available, you can can get people to sponsor on-line using this website. Any sponsorship that you raise will be mentioned on this site and our Facebook and Twitter pages. Thanks!
Go Adrian Go. Well done.
Thanks Helena. Looking forward to it. Training has started already
hello, this is fantastic
, can i get involved?
Hey Catherine! Thanks for the words of encouragement! We’ll need all the help we can get promoting this & getting sponsorship as well. Just point people to this website for online donations!
And if you do want to sign up to run any of the races yourself just go to
Look at this:
Fair play Ad!
Ha ha, love that video. I saw this online last night too and started to panic
Oh My God Adrian, this is fantastic. Well done you. I might look at maybe joining you for the June 8km! I’ll check out the dates etc. We will look at hitting neighbours and friends for sponsorship. Call me old fashioned but do you have a sponsorship card or anything like that?
Hey Fiona! Thanks so much for your enthusiasm, your help would be great! Yes, the Irish Cancer Society are sending me sponsorship cards by post. See ya Saturday
Great job Adrian. Your beautiful tribute to Paddy is very heart warming stuff. I take my hat off to you and wish you the best of luck.
Cheers David! It’ll be leg and feet warming too but looking forward to the challenge.
What an amazing thing to do and a great testament to the man who inspires you. Will be following your progress……
Thanks Marian. Thanks a million. X
Hi Adrian, just checked the races and i’ll be gone to Spain for the first 8km. We’re heading on the 27th of June. What a pity! See ya Saturday. Fi x
Ah no! Not to worry… I’ll have to run for both of us so
Thank for the though
Great idea, fair play to you. Not an easy task. Great website and the cover picture of Paddy just sums up his infectious smile and chuckle. It made me smile and brought a tear to my eye, actually tears to both eyes if i’m being truthful. For all that knew Paddy, we know he can never be forgotten but this idea just concretes that….
Best of luck
Martina, wow… we just read your message… thanks so much… and a massive thank you for your early donation! You summed it up there.
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Absolutely amazing! I’m blown away. Fair play to u Adrian. He was a fantastic uncle and what you wrote about him is spot on! We are all behind you 100%. I’m thinking I might give a race or two a go, you’ve inspired me to at least try!
Hey Rebecca. Thanks so much for your comment here. You’re a star. We’ll have the Doolan’s selling their cars and running everywhere if we keep this up! Thanks for the support, means so much.
Well done Adrian, I’ll take some sponsorship cards from you when you get them! Good luck with the training!
Thanks a mil Andrea!
Wow, well done Adrian! The website is fantastic and it’s such a lovely idea. I hope you and the family are keeping well and looking forward to seeing you soon
p.s. best of luck with the training!
Ah Ruth, thanks a million. See you really soon… Maybe next weekend? Will be in touch. Thanks again.
Marie pointed me to this site and I have to say – you’re a madman! My dad would be very proud as well, best of luck
Hey, thanks Siobhan! Yea, probably am a bit mad! I have thought about Ray so many times since I saw you last. Ask him to send me some divine intervention to make me train hard if you can! Hope you are well, thanks for the thoughts. Adrian
Hi Adrian. Just want to wish you luck with your training
Its a wonderful thing you are doing and deserve lots of support…..Good luck!!
Hi Cousin!! Thanks a million. I might be crazy, but I’m gonna give it me best
Thanks for the message. Spread the word! Adrian
hi adrian best of luck with your training, paddy was more than a brother in law, he was a great friend, i wish i could join you but my mobility scooter hasnt got the mileage. our thoughts and good wishes are with you all. ann left sponsor cards with me. good luck from london.
Thanks so much! The support is helping clock up the training. Will be in touch, and thanks again
Hi Adrian, well done today, the pictures are great and I’m sure uncle Paddy is proud of us all especially you as you have made such a great effort to raise money for a worthy cause, thanks for a great day in memory of a great man, Jennifer
Thanks Jennifer. Great you were all there. It’s a group effort, that was proven today. It was a great step on my journey towards the training and Ultimately the marathon in October… Which seems so unachievable right now… But with all the help and support I’ve been getting I know it’ll be possible. Talk soon. Adrian
Just checked out the pics from the 10k in Fingal. Looked like a fantastic time. Fair play for bringing everyone together.
Hey David! Thanks a million, great morning for sure. Cheers for the comment on here. Hope all is well.